Why we should learn Python?🐍
The first time I was introduced to Python was in my second year of university. I started learning Python then but did not continue. After that, there were so many times I tried to become consistent with Python learning but failed. In my final year, the area of my capstone project was Deep Learning. For this purpose, I started learning Python seriously and realized its importance more deeply. Now I feel like everyone should learn Python. I mean, why not? The importance of Python is not only in the computer science field. It’s widespread now. So let’s see why we should learn Python.
1) Very easy to learn.
If you are a beginner then Python will be easier for you to learn. The reason behind this is it is easy to learn because of its compact and English-like coding syntax.
In Java, we have to write a lot more lines of code than in Python and it’s not very intuitive. Whereas Python is pretty compact and has fewer lines of code.
2) Code Development Speed.
We can develop code much faster in Python compared to other compiled languages such as Java, and C++. And there are some reasons for this:
- Compact easy-to-remember code syntax.
- No compilation.
Python is an interpreted language it does not have compilation. The whole compilation steps are missing in Python which speeds up development work by a great amount. Compared to C++ Developing code in Python is much faster.
- Library (or module) for everything.
Python is enriched with the library for different kinds of work that we need to do. Pypi (python package index) has more than 100,000 packages. So, if you want to do a particular work then you can use packages as per your need. So, you don’t have to write too much code you can just use the package. For example, if you are working with images then there is pillow. If you are a database programmer there is SQLAlchemy. If you are doing scientific work then there is SciPy, NumPy, matplotlib, etc. the list just goes on. Here, another thing is everything is open source so you can look at the code.
3) Used heavily in data science, machine learning, and scientific computing.
Python is popular in these three areas. The whole ecosystem of Jupyter Notebook combined with packages such as sci-kit-learn, NumPy, SciPy, and pandas makes it perfect for these three areas.
4) Plenty of job opportunities.
Python become a popular and heavily used language so there are plenty of job opportunities if you have good skills in Python. Python is used in enterprises like YouTube, Quora, Dropbox, SurveyMonkey, etc.
Some people complain that Python is slow but it’s not really slow because most of the time we use third-party modules. And those modules are developed in compile languages like C or Fortran. For example, NumPy is actually implemented in Fortran and when we use it in our Python code then we actually run that code at the speed of Fortran.
5) Cybersecurity
Python is living up to its name when it comes to cybersecurity fierceness. With powerful third-party libraries (e.g., Nmap, Yara, Requests, etc.) to choose from, it can respond to security threats faster than other languages. For example, it can run a penetration test on web applications and can detect system breaches which is helpful for IT security professionals.
There are plenty of reasons to start learning Python. So, what are you waiting for start learning python asap. Python has an active community and there are a lot of reliable resources out there that can be helpful for you to learn Python.
Some Resources: