IoT vs IoE

Syeda Nowshin Ibnat
3 min readMay 13, 2021


The term Internet of Everything (IoE) is a fairly new term, and there is confusion about the difference between the Internet of Everything (IoE) and the Internet of Things (IoT). If we think back to just 20 years ago, the majority of Internet-connected devices were desktop PCs and other immobile hardware. Then, large mobile devices started to be introduced. As we know, this rapidly progressed to smartphones. From here, all types of everyday “things” became, and are becoming, Internet-connected.

What is Internet of Things?

The IoT is a term coined by Kevin Ashton back in 1999 and the term quickly gained popularity as a way to refer to physical devices that are able to connect and exchange data. The concept gained steam for its ability to connect the unconnected — physical-first objects previously incapable of generating, transmitting, and receiving data unless augmented or manipulated. Embedding sensors, control systems, and processors into these objects enable horizontal communication across a multi-node, open network of physical-first objects.

IoT Examples

Security systems, thermostats, cars, electronic appliances, lights in household and commercial environments, alarm clocks, speaker systems, vending machines, and more.

The Future of IoT

As far as the reach of the Internet of Things, there are more than 12 billion devices that can currently connect to the Internet, and researchers at IDC estimate that by 2020 there will be 26 times more connected things than people. According to Gartner, consumer applications will drive the number of connected things, while enterprise will account for most of the revenue.

IoT vs IoE
IoT vs IoE

What is Internet of Everything?

Cisco defines the Internet of everything as “The intelligent connection of people, process, data, and things.” It is the superset of the internet of things as it includes everything contained in the internet of things along with the four key elements.

People: Considered as end nodes connected across the internet to share information and activities. Examples include social networks, health and fitness sensors, among others.

Things: Physical sensors, devices, actuators, and other items generating data or receiving information from other sources. Examples include smart thermostats and gadgets.

Data: Raw data is analyzed and processed into useful information to enable intelligent decisions and control mechanisms. Examples include temperature logs converted into an average number of high-temperature hours per day to evaluate room cooling requirements.

Processes: Leveraging connectivity among data, things, and people to add value. Examples include the use of smart fitness devices and social networks to advertise relevant healthcare offerings to prospective customers.

IoE Examples

• A smart thermostat that intelligently adjusts the temperature.

• Door locks that you can control wirelessly over a Bluetooth connection.

• Smart light bulbs that can be controlled with a smartphone app.

The Future of IoE

The Internet of Everything will re-invent industries at three levels: business process, business model, and business moment.

“At the first level, digital technology is improving our products, services and processes, our customer and constituent experiences, and the way we work in our organizations and within our partnerships,” said Hung Le Hong, research vice president, and Gartner Fellow. “We do what we normally do, but digitalization allows us to do it better or develop better products within our industry.”

As companies digitalize products and processes, completely new ways of doing business in industries emerge. Gartner analysts expect more transformational changes as digitalization re-invents industries at the business model level. Mr. Le Hong gave examples of Nike, playing on the edge of the healthcare industry with its connected sporting clothes and gear, and Google having a visible presence in autonomous vehicles. “These organizations had no business in your industry, and are now re-inventing them,” said Mr. Le Hong.

The third level of digital re-invention is created by the need to compete with unprecedented business velocity and agility. Gartner calls this the “business moment.”

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Post from: Women & Tech

Published on: July 1, 2020.

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© Syeda Nowshin Ibnat



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